4th Grade

The Meyer May House helped us kick off our studies of Architecture this week!
Both classes got to see a great example of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie style.


Our class has been full of scientific experiments during February.

The claymation premiere was star-studded!

Here is a behind the scenes peek at our filming in progress!

Harriet Tubman helps slaves escape in one movie.

Pee Wee Reese supports his teammate Jackie Robinson in another film.

Alexander Graham Bell is assisted by Thomas Watson as he invents the telephone.

Here, Rosa Parks is shown being arrested on a Montgomery Bus at the beginning of the civil rights era.

Georgia O'Keeffe paints Ladder to the Moon in her home studio.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon.

Our 4th graders are hard at work researching their historical Americans using print and digital sources. Along the way, we've been learning a lot about the regions of the U.S., too.

Here are the kids playing a game of Region Twister :)
"Right hand on the southwest!"