5th Grade

Our small businesses have made a small fortune during our small business unit. Below, you can view their business signs.

Our small businesses headed to the Geek Group this spring. There they got a tour of all the awesome equipment at the facility, and each business designed and printed their own T-shirt, too.


Finished student websites are linked below. Explore them to learn about many different species of sharks!

The 5th grade dissection was fascinating. I'm very proud of how brave the students were as we explored the shark's anatomy!













5th grade students have been busy learning about the shark species they chose to research. They have been active in both the virtual world and the real world during this unit. Students have been learning JavaScript, coding a computer animation, and designing their website in the virtual world. In the real world, they have been trying hands-on shark stations to learn even more about sharks!

The students enjoyed their trip to GVSU's engineering department, which included a hands-on electromagnetic motor experiment and a tour of the robotics lab!

Our inventor stations are great places to explore simple machines, circuitry, motors, and green energy!

Scroll further down to see videos of their experimentation in action!

Classroom Videos